home of the Hugentobler family

Well met, traveller

You've discovered the Hugentoblers' home on the web.
We are the Frankfurt/Pforzheim/Aviemore-Hugentoblers: Janti, Werner and Lars.
(Any content except this introductory page is in German)

Some other known Hugentoblers and -pages as of 2013:

  • Perhaps the most widely known Hugentoblers: siblings Eliane & Daniel were Swiss ice dancers, 1998-2002 Swiss ice dance champions and competitors at the 2002 Winter Olympics.
  • Ruedi composed the score for "Traps 'n' Treasures", an Amiga game, published by Starbyte in 1993. Sample: Tavern.
  • Johannes (1897-1955) was an artist and church designer.
  • And of course there's Hugentobler Schweizer Kochsysteme AG, a company for development, service, planning and sales of kitchen appliances and necessities.